The Port Elgin and Saugeen Township Beachers Association’s (The Beachers) mission is to be a relevant, volunteer run seasonal and permanent residential property owner association focusing on issues potentially impacting the health and safety of members and the ecology of the water and beaches near to where they live. To accomplish this the Beachers strives to maintain a good working relationship with our town council, its staff and relevant outside groups so that our member concerns may be addressed in a timely, informative fashion. In short the Beachers Organization strives to be of value to our seasonal and permanent resident members on safety, environmental and community concerns affecting their quality of life and enjoyment of their properties.
The Beachers supports LHCC through both through donations and volunteerism. The Beachers have stepped up as beach clean-up station stewards in Port Elgin, helping to keep Saugeen Shores beaches free from plastic pollution.