The Coastal Action Plan for the Southeastern Shoreline of Lake Huron is a unified vision for Lake Huron's coastal conservation and stewardship efforts for the shoreline between Sarnia and Tobermory. This plan encourages a collaborative approach to address common issues and goals of communities along the Lake Huron shoreline. The plan has developed a list of environmental management strategies by identifying valuable natural features and species, and the threats and stressors that negatively impact them.
Coastal Action Plan
Technical Document
A technical guide written for an audience that manages lands on Lake Huron's coastal corridor. Although technical, this guide provides recommendations and best management strategies for land owners, municipalities, conservation authorities, and environmental agencies alike.
To read the document, please click on the image to the left.
This document is non-regulatory, and provides scientific-based recommendations for the shoreline between Sarnia and Tobermory Ontario.
Coastal Action Plan
Community Guide
A summation of some of the best management practices and recommendations made in the technical document, as well as interesting facts and information about the 10 coastal ecosystems on Lake Huron's southeastern shores.
To read the document, please click on the image to the left.
As part of the Coastal Action Plan, we have created a series of products to increase awareness and promote sustainable, resilient communities:
1) Coastal Action Plan - Technical Document
This document can be accessed above. It is meant for a technical audience.
2) CAP Community Guide
This document can be accessed above. It is meant for a less-technical audience.
3) Fact Sheets
A series of 10-fact sheets can be accessed through the resources section of this website, or by selecting an ecosystem below!
3) Video Series
As requested by you, our coastal communities, an 8-episode video series was created showcasing all 10 of the ecosystems across the southeastern shores of Lake Huron. These videos can be viewed on this website, on our YouTube Channel, and on our Facebook page.
What Ecosystems are on Lake Huron's Southeastern Shores?
Programs | Coastal Action Plan
The southeastern coast of Lake Huron is home to thousands of permanent and seasonal residents. Millions of visitors each year interact with the lake through fishing, swimming, boating and other recreational activities. Our coastal communities recognize Lake Huron as being key to their economic development. While most beaches are safe for recreational use, many are not free from water quality advisories and multiple types of nuisance algae. Sand beaches, dunes, bluffs, river mouths, nearshore waters, wetlands, and woodlands are all coastal ecosystems that provide valuable ecosystem services, and support many rare species.

2017 Coastal Action Plan Questionnaire Results:
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